Become a Pixacrea Battler
This rule page will teach you everything you need to know to become the next great Pixacrea Battler! With 185 Pixacrea to collect and hundreds of cards to customize your deck, you will be able to strategize, mix and match, as well as trade to create the best deck possible and, as such, become the best Pixacrea Battler!

Pixacrea Cards
Ability Cards
Pixacrea Cards
This is everything you will need to know about Pixacrea Cards!

Starter & Pixelate
The (S) symbol stands for Starter Pixacrea, and the green arrow shows Pixelation Pixacrea. In the top left corner of your cards you will see these symbols. The Starter Pixacrea are the Pixacrea you start the game out with, and the Pixelation Pixacrea are the Pixacrea you can Pixelate (upgrade) to during the game.

IDs, PPs, and NPs
At the bottom of each Pixacrea Card you will see ID, PP, and NP. ID is the Pixacrea's Identification Number. PP means Previous Pixelation; this is the ID of the card needed in the game to Pixelate the current card. The NP means Next Pixelation; that is the ID of the next upgraded card for it's Pixelation. This example uses Firema, Flamema, and Magma. Firema's ID is 1. It's Previous Pixelation is none. It's Next Pixelation is 2. Flamema's ID is 2, it's Previous Pixelation is 1, and Next Pixelation is 3. Magma's ID is 3, it's Previous Pixelation is 2, and it has no Next Pixelation. This makes it easier to figure out which cards go with which when it comes to Pixelating your Pixacrea in game.


Check & X
The Checkmark and X Symbol in the top right of the card are to represent if the card can be Pixelated or not. The Checkmark indicates that the card is able to become Pixelated. The X on the card indicates that it can NOT be Pixelated.

The HP square shows the max Health Points that Pixacrea has. This is the default Max HP the card starts with. This can be changed by Pixelating the card, or using Ability cards to increase its max. The current HP can be indicated on the counter which comes with the Battler's Pack.

The MP square shows the maximum amount of Mana Points that Pixacrea has. This is the default Max MP the card starts with. This can be changed by Pixelating the card, or using Ability cards to increase its max. The current MP can be indicated on the counter which comes with the Battler's Pack.

Elements are displayed in the middle of the card. You will see a square with an E in it, followed by one of the following symbols below. This game works in a Triangle element, meaning Fire beats Earth, Earth beats Water, and Water beats Fire. Soul on the other hand has no bonuses, and instead is it's own separate category. Cards that have an element that beats the element of another enemy deals +1 damage PER HIT. An example would be if a Fire Pixacrea uses Double Attack on an Earth Pixacrea. Double Attack states it does 1 Damage Hit twice. Meaning it is two separate hits. So instead of doing 2 damage, it would actually do 4. However, If you attack an element you're weaker than, you will lose 1 damage PER HIT. So, if you have a Fire Pixacrea attack a Water Pixacrea with Double Attack, it would do 0 damage since it counts as two separate 1 damage attacks.

Fire beats Earth, and is weak to Water. Fire Element Pixacrea tend to have heavier damage while having less Health and more Mana.

Earth beats Water, but is weak against Fire. Earth cards tend to be tankier cards. They have more HP than Mana. They also tend to have buffs, armor, and other tank related abilities.

Water beats Fire, but is weak to Earth. Water cards tend to have higher mana, and buff/debuff Pixcacrea. They're a middle ground between Fire and Earth.

Soul Elements have no pluses or minuses to any other element. Soul Pixacrea tend to be support cards. They tend to heal, buff, and debuff other Pixacrea, and can turn the tide of a game if used correctly.

Pixacrea Attacks
The large box at the bottom of each Pixacrea card lists their attacks. Every Pixacrea has 4 attacks they can make. Every Pixacrea has Bite, which requires 0 Mana and will always do 1 base damage. After that, each Pixacrea may have different attacks, including Pixelations. Every Pixelation will change at least 1 attack on the card. Each attack excluding Bite will use mana. You MUST have that much mana on the chosen Pixacrea in order to be able to attack using that move. Each Pixacrea on your field can attack once per turn.
Ability Cards

When to Play
There's 3 images that depict when you're able to use the ability card during a game. When a Pixacrea attacks another Pixacrea, the person being attacked can play a Defense or Quick Ability cards before the battle goes through. If they play a card, it will move over the other person to make a counter play, in which the attacking person can play an Attack or Quick Ability card to counter. This can go on until one person either does not have a Counter to play or chooses not to. Whenever you play an Ability card, it has first priority over anything else. Counter playing cards will have second priority, and so on.

The cost of each ability card can differ greatly. The middle icon is the Cost indicator. The icons and what they mean will be explained below. The right side shows a number. That number is how much it takes to play that card.

The effect of the card is the larger box at the bottom of the card. Once you offer everything needed for the card to be played, you can activate that card. The effect activates, and your opponent has a chance to counter it if they wish to.

Attack Ability
The Sword icon means that you're only able to play that card on your turn. These are Attack Ability Cards.

Defense Ability
The Shield means that you're only able to play that card on your opponent's turn. These are Defense Ability Cards.

Quick Ability
The Necklace icon (yes, it's a necklace) means you're able to play it at any time you deem worthy. These are Quick Ability Cards. Because you're able to play these cards at any point, they tend to have higher costs than both Attack and Defense cards. However, they are easier to play as you can play them whenever you want.

The Heart icon means you have to remove x HP from a Pixacrea on your side of the Field. If you see a Heart followed by 3, it means you have to lower a Pixacrea's HP by 3. They MUST have at LEAST 3 HP in order to do this. You're able to KO your own Pixacrea using this, but they MUST have at least the amount required on the Ability Card to activate it.

The Mana icon means you have to remove x amount of Mana from a Pixacrea's MP in order to play it. You MUST have that much MP on a Pixacrea in order to activate the card. If an Ability Card has the Mana Icon and a 3 next to it, it means you must remove 3 MP from a Pixacrea on your side of the Field in order to activate it.

This icon means Hand. If a card has this icon and a 3 after it, it means you have to discard 3 cards from your Hand in order to play it. When discarding cards, the card is NOT activated until ALL cards are discarded. If you discard an EXHAUST card, the EXHAUST card(s) are activated before this card is played.

Exhaust cards are unplayable cards. They have an effect, but cannot be played to be activated. They have no cost. You are only able to activate this card by discarding it from your hand as a result of playing another card. If you play a card that requires you to discard 3 cards in your hand in order to play it, you can discard an Exhaust Card and that Exhaust Card will be activated that way. These cards activate BEFORE the card which caused the Exhaust Card to be discarded.


Drawing & Hands
Game Phases

Win Condition/KO
When you see an Ability Card that has EARTH as a term, it means you MUST have an Earth card, and if it uses MP or HP to activate that card, you MUST use it from the Pixacrea that is an Earth Pixacrea.
A Pixacrea inflicted with Decreased Defense will take +1 damage PER HIT. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
Flip a Coin on each attack. On Heads the user misses the attack and it doesn't go through. On Tails, the attack is successful. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
Adds +1 damage per hit to the Pixacrea who has Increased Attack. This will only ever last 1 turn.
When you see an Ability Card that has WATER as a term, it means you MUST have a Water card, and if it uses MP or HP to activate that card, you MUST use it from the Pixacrea that is a Water Pixacrea.
A Pixacrea buffed with Increase Defense will take -1 damage PER HIT. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
Pixacrea that are Fascinated MUST attack the creature they're Fascinated with. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
Removes 1 damage per hit to the Pixacrea who has Decreased Attack. This will only ever last 1 turn.
When you see an Ability Card that has FIRE as a term, it means you MUST have a Fire card, and if it uses MP or HP to activate that card, you MUST use it from the Pixacrea that is a Fire Pixacrea.
Deals 1 damage at the beginning of the user who's Pixacrea is inflicted with Poison's turn. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
Deals 1 Damage per turn Burn is active. Take the damage out at the end of the individual's turn who is inflicted with Burn. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
A Pixacrea that is asleep has to flip a coin at the end of their turn. If Heads, the Pixacrea wakes up. If Tails, it stays asleep.
When you see an Ability Card that has SOUL as a term, it means you MUST have a Soul card, and if it uses MP or HP to activate that card, you MUST use it from the Pixacrea that is a Soul Pixacrea.
A Pixacrea that's inflicted with FREEZE cannot attack for the amount of turns FREEZE is active for. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
Flip a coin on EACH attack the inflicted Pixacrea makes. On Heads, the user hits itself for 1 damage and the ability they were going to use doesn't go through. On Tails, the attck is successful. If the card doesn't specify length, it is 1 turn.
This game was made entirely through Xyphien LLC. Put together, designed, and story by Xyphien/Chaun Farmer.